Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So I haven't blogged for a while because I've been so worried and emotional about my little niece who was hospitalized for pneumonia. Things that I might have wanted to write about seem so trivial when your faced with a life threatening illness. Anyway, I think that she is stable and that she is going to be all right but it is going to take a while and she will probably be in the ICU for another week and the hospital for two more after that. I just wish Penny wasn't so far away from all of us. This is one more reason for them to move back! I feel a little relief tonight, like everything will be alright. She's a fighter.
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Eric & Penny Kunz Family said...

Thanks Taun But would you get to blogging so I have something to do. Love You Pen

Marisa said...

oh Lataun,
I know just what you mean! I'm so glad she's doing better...things like that are so scary and make you so grateful.

haha, I love Easter for the malted chocolate eggs. Cash says they're absolutely revolting...so I get to eat them all. :wicked laugh: