Wednesday, March 12, 2008

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

Oh my goodness, Easter is early this year and that means that right after Valentine's Day, out came the Easter candy. I came around the isle in the grocery store and saw the Easter candy...I scanned the isle for the blue bag with the pink lettering. Scanning, scanning, scanning...and there they were. I wheeled my cart over there and loaded up. 5 bags later, I'm counting down the days until Easter is over and they are all gone. I'm so excited to see them and eat them and so glad when the season is over and I can't get them until next year.


Penny K said...

You bad bad girl. I just might get through this year without any......well see.

Cassie said...

I totally get that! My radar is out for the SweetTart jelly beans. Oh, how I love them. I think I'll run to Wally's and get another bag right now. You know, just to be sure I get enough.