Friday, October 10, 2008

The Glass Castle

I think this could be my favorite book of all time. I found myself smiling, grinning from ear-to-ear as I read the first half of this book. I don't think you could make up a character as cooky as her dad. (or her mom for that matter) Their relationship was so disfunctional, it couldn't have been more disfunctional. I loved the things her dad would say and how he explained things. I was cracking up the whole first half. Then I would have to remind myself that this was a true story and these experiences really happened to this poor girl. I don't think you could make these things up if you tried. The second half of the book infuriated me at times!!! What were those parents thinking? The situations that they put their daughter in...were sickening as a parent of 4 girls. I wanted to ring their necks and call the child protective service. It's amazing to me that they survived at all, let alone went on to be productive citizens, making their own way in the world. It's a testament that if those kids could make it, then anyone can.

I also covet the author's memory. And to be able to put those instances into words and make the reader feel like she was there witnessing it all is a talent. I loved this book!


Myrnie said...

Thanks, Taun, for getting me back into the reading mode. You are my own personal "good book finder" / critic. Can't wait to read this one.

Cassie said...

I picked up the book on Tuesday. Didn't have time to open it till Wednesday morning. Finished it Wednesday night. Thanks for the great suggestion!!