Thursday, August 21, 2008

When you die....I want.....

Chad and I inherited a clock from his grandpa Jack and it chimes and is beautiful and old and we love it. We cherish it. It was chiming and Sis asked about it.
"Where'd we get that?" says Sis.
I reply "from grandpa Jack and it was his mom's before's really old".

Sis "oh, can I have it when you die?"

Me "ummm...."

Sis: "actually, I want your hair stuff"

Hadd: "I get the irons"

Sis: "Well I get half of them"

Had: "Well I get the other half"

Sis: "I get the flat iron and the other curling iron that we just got from grandma"

Had: " I get the spray stuff and the other irons"

This goes back and forth a few more times...

Taylor (sis's friend): "You guys will probably have your own by the time your mom dies" (thank you Taylor!)

Anyway, cracked me up...I was sitting there listening to them banter and trying to remember everything they were saying. I guess hair stuff is important to a 11 year old and 9 year old. If I die tomorrow, sis gets the flat iron.


Myrnie said...

Too funny....I guess you know where they stand at this point!

granny janny said...

Your story was cracking me up----silly girls----course since I like the frig pig, I guess they can like the curling irons. Brought a tear to my eye knowing how much Grandpa Jack loved his clock and that you all treasure it!!!