Thursday, July 17, 2008

4 years in the making

Did this quilt really take me that long? YES!
My friend, Kristen (aka The 'Perfectionist') found this pattern, went to Rupert to find the fabric, and talked me into making this beautiful quilt. We went to Porter's in Idaho Falls and watched a demonstration on how to applique these flowers on the border using freezer paper. I was so clueless watching Kim Dehl trying to show us how to do this that I took Kristens's restless baby and said "you listen and then tell me later, I'll wrestle Tagg. That should have been my first clue to ABORT MISSION!
So a few months after we decided to make this quilt, Kristen moved to Bancroft and I moved to Arco. I took my half of the material and packed it in a box. The next spring, I got it out and sewed the inside portion of this quilt. That was the easy part.
Every summer, I go to Bancroft to join Kristen and her kids for swimming lessons. I have hauled my quilt there for 3 years and worked on it all three years.

The problem was that Kristen had the nice sewing machine that did the perfect little zig zag with the tiny charcoal (invisible) thread. So I could not do this on my machine. We traced all the leaves, flowers, etc. on freezer paper. Then placed a small amount of fabric glue on it and stuck it to material. Then cut out the shape 1/4 inch bigger than the pattern. Then cut out the material and snipped around it to fold it under and iron the edges down. While this may seem crazy (and it was) it was perfect and beautiful. Once you iron it to the quilt and stitch around each individual piece, you cut out the freezer paper by cutting a hole in the back of the quilt and pulling it out. The finished product is uncomparible to any applique I've seen. All the edges are turned under and flawless (Kristen's a little more perfect than mine...). It took us 3 summers to complete the applique..with little gliches here and there. One summer I think I broke Kristen's machine...a few repairs later and we got it done.

This winter I got it quilted and just today finished binding the edges. Now I need to go shopping for some bedding to compliment it.
I am so glad to have finished this and I was saying that I would probably (ok, not probably...NEVER) do that applique again. And Kristen replied..."Oh I will". She's crazy and amazing. 7 kids and has it together and still manages to do everything perfectly.
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Eric & Penny Kunz Family said...


Myrnie said...

So glad you got that done! Give yourself a nice pat on the back. I would if I was there. Love it, love it!

Lucy said...

What a beautiful quilt LaTaun. You are a dedicated woman not to give up on that one! Good job.

MegEddins said...

That is so amazingly beautiful! Breathe a sigh of relief and find some cute accent pillows. Way to Go!!!

Nikki said...

You told me about that quilt!! That is amazing! Doesn't it feel good to sleep under something that beautiful??? Will you bind my quilt? It's only been 1 1/2 years!

Cassie said...

Good for you! Just having the thought "I've got to get that quilt done" off you mind is priceless in itself. It looks perfect and so beautiful.

Marisa said... have so much talent! And, perseverance! You finish scrapbooks AND quilts!! I can do neither.

It looks beautiful and I can't wait to see it in real life! look forward to seeing you guys soon!

Battfam said...

I haven't looked at your blog for a while and it looks like you've been busy and been having fun. I loved the pictures of the balloon festival. We went years ago and I thought it was great. Great job on the quilt. That will be an heirloom.

Kami Herring said...

Holy Cow! That is awesome. Could you get one done for me next. ;) Could you speed up the process a little though! No excuses this time, just get it done! ha!