Monday, February 8, 2010

Betting...and losing...

So if any of you know Chad or my brothers, you know that you can't watch a big game and/or play a game without having consequences for the losers.

Here is a perfect example.  Kami, Penny, Lex, and Melissa lost at Poker one family reunion.  Penny and Kami had to scale this fence after pool hours.  Lex and Melissa had to jump in the water fully clothed.  Pool gates were locked.

At our last family reunion, Lex lost again at poker.  He had to get up on our train car and try to get everyone to sing the "Song That Never Ends" song while Chad heckled him.

So before the Superbowl, Tagg had all the bets placed.  The losers had to run out to the fence and back in their bare feet.

Now I had lost a couple of years ago and I knew how terrible and painful this was.  You know how snow gets a crust on it?  It feels like Edward Scissor-hands.
Ironic that Avery, Darci, Jerry, and I were the only ones not running...hmmm....
I don't know if you can tell that Indee is about to have a meltdown.  But it is coming!
Meltdown happening...
Grandma's efforts to thwart meltdown...

All in all it was a great game...but what was up with that half-time show?  The Who?  Who Dat?  Faren was talking it up the whole first half and then when it came time for him to defend the Who, he left the room...some attorney he is. 


pharen said...

Take it easy on this attorney. The Who are amazing......just really old. My feet are still stinging a bit from that crusty snow.

Cassie said...

You guys are too funny.

Nikki said...

That is awesome! The Who stunk! Who picked them??? There are so many good groups out there! How about Linkin Park? Was anyone else up in arms when Queen Latifah says "for amber waves of grain"? She did a great job, but I was gonna superfreak if they didn't sing the national anthem. They are lucky...

ek said...

I think I still have a bruise from scaling the fence, didn't I get stuck or something like that..... pen

di said...

That made me cold just reading about it !!! Yikes you guys are quite the betters...whatever happened to nickels or pennies??? Love ya

nina said...

Can I be invited next time??