Thursday, July 7, 2011

This one's for Faren....

July 4th at Faren's private lake.

Chad and Avery and the Tetons in the back.

And my #4 child who is scared of the water.



Chad again...

Faren upside down....
I finally got the pics off my watch out.
I might over blog now....


Nikki said...

Oh how I miss those views. And all of you, too! Glad to see you are still kickin'!

Myrnie said...

At first I thought, "How did you get my pictures?" Then I remembered you and I were both snapping shots that day. Faren does seem to be more photogenic upside down! Fun holiday together!

pharen said...

3 points:

1. That day was killer.

2. Why is Chad always so skiwhompus in the air when he does a backflip?

3. It's about time you blog again.