Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy Tu-tu my Say-say

Sicilee is 12: Young Women's and make-up. I think that's about it. When I turned 12 it was Young Women's, make-up, shaving my legs!, and wearing nylons!
(Sis wouldn't be caught dead wearing nylons, does that date me?)
She got to go do baptisms for the dead on her birthday. So we had cake about 10:30 at night. Maybe that's why Mia looks a little hammered. Our heating element caught fire the other night so our oven's down but Sis was a good sport and opted for a no-bake cheese cake for her birthday.


Nikki said...

I can't believe you have a twelve year old! She is so beautiful, too! Did you shop together for the make up or did you surprise her with it? Such fun!

Lataun said...

I know..hard to convince yourself that you are still young when you have a twelve year old in the house. We bought the make-up together after our facials. It was a fun day.

di said...

Why do they have to grow up? Sis is a beautiful young girl. Chad better be worried in the years to come! What a cherished day the two of you had!!!

Myrnie said...

Such a cutie-pie!

nina said...

My heart is breaking for you, maddy just turned 11, but she looks like 15... Funny you should mention pantyhose. I just had an argument the other day with one of the older generation. I said that wearing flipflops to church was not a good idea, but I would not be caught dead in nude pantyhose - She strongly disagreed!!!

Biorn Family Blog said...

Me and my girls must be nerdy; we wear nylons every sunday! Wow--twelve! Marleigh can't wait for November and YWs. She is sad that she will miss girls' camp--the rest of her friends will go.