Sunday, January 11, 2009

Williams Christmas Play

Isaiah prophecying 700 years before Christ's birth.
Mary and baby.

Samuel the Lamanite preaching on the wall.

The 'unbelievers' prosecuting the 'believers'.

My 'angel' announcing the birth.

Reese was the 'star' that shown in the East.

The 'Good Shepherd' and his flock.

Joseph chilling with the Wise Men.

Our family in costume. Thanks everyone.
(kind of surprised that Hollywood hasn't called any of you yet!)


ave said...

Wow! You guys put a lot into that- I had no idea the Williams were so theatrical!

hmmm said...

i love Nativity plays.... many good little memories come from such things!

(at first glance i wondered why Isaiah had horns..... then i figured things out. silly me.)