Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's your party...

Chad called his mom and said "Mom, we're coming for Halloween, why don't you have a party?" She said "ok, I guess I could do that." So then she asks Chad "so what should we do for the party?" And Chad replies "I don't know Mom, it's your party." :~)
So we stopped in Rexburg and Trick or Treated. It was such a nice evening.
For Halloween, all Indee wanted to be was "something with wings". Haddi was a Vampiress and Sis was Lola (Hannah Montana's friend). Chad was "scarry man" and I went as a clown. Apparently the rest of the Williams clan missed the memo that it was Halloween and we were having a party and they should have dressed up...
Grandma had some fun games...pop the balloon by sitting on it.
Pass the orange between necks....This is Lex passing me the, I had to take a breather after this game...hubba hubba.
Jan passing to Chad...we got Jan laughing so hard, she was crying.

The next day the party resumed on the hill side. We all went riding up Indian Creek where Chad grew up trailing cows on horses. It was a little chilly but still fun. I really enjoy 4-wheeling.


Cassie said...

What awesome family memories!

MegEddins said...

That orange game is great! Jack loved seeing Mimi in her bee costume. You all looked awesome!