Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ok, a few more and that's it...

Sis, Had, and Kimbri getting ready to jump.

Here's a picture of the one who jumped. The other climbed back down. He didn't want to leave his first baby fatherless I guess.

Haddi skiing for the first time.

Getting ready to jump and Sis in mid-air.

We had a good time. It was a little windy and the water wasn't as warm, but all in all it was great. We managed to run out of gas twice on the way back from Rainbow Bridge. Luckily our friends, the Woolstenhulmes, had some extra and when we ran that out in the middle of the channel, they towed us to the marina and we loaded up in the dark that night. Some other memories I don't want to forget are the hot wings at Strombolli's, the pool side chat late at night (Tagg's crow story), Kami and I wrecking so hard that my shorts fell off and my eyes were burning...(thank you John), the fish that was trying to bite me in the water...(it was a stick), losing Monte twice (it's a BIG lake), witnessing Jan give Chad the "what for" for the first time in my life, getting flashed by Monte (something I won't be able to get out of my mind for a long time :), Tagg walking down the cliff and knowing that he will never live that down (as long as Chad is around), and my kids being so exhausted that they cried every night and crashed within 2 minutes of getting back to the hotel.

So when are we going again?
I forgot to add one highlight of our trip...It was all the girls could talk about that week. Chad was maybe following a little too close driving through road construction in Salt Lake City, and all the sudden he hit the brakes. We left some rubber on the pavement and that wasn't enough to stop us from ramming the car in front of us. So he swerved into the construction lanes, you know the lane that is seperated by those orange pylons, well he took out a few of those and I said a 4 letter word. They thought it was so cool.

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1 comment:

Myrnie said...

Looks so fun! The kids will always remember this place in their childhood memories!