Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sweep or Vacuum

As I'm sweeping my floor for the 2nd time today, I was wondering if people prefer sweeping or vacuuming? I would much rather vacuum. I hate that you can't get all the little specks of dirt and dust with the dustpan and broom. You always have that little bit left and it drives me crazy. I end up getting a wet paper towel and trying to get all the leftover dirt with that. What do people do with all hardwood and no carpet in their houses? How do they keep it clean? So which is your hardware of choice? The broom or the vacuum...I'd like to know.


Kami Herring said...

Definately the vaccum. I like to vaccum my wood floors even. Call me lazy or call me.....ok lazy. It's just too easy to do when I'm right there and the dirt calls out to me. :) I'm so proud of you Taun for joining the blogging world. I thought I would give you a positive blog since I had someone leave a mean comment on my business blog The world has some really angry people out there. I wanted to be the first to comment. Great job! Your sis-in-law, KAMI

Brooke Bailey said...

Hey Taun,
This mad me laugh, probably because I can totally relate to everthing you said. I hate walking around barefoot on tile or hardwood floors. I definately prefer the vaccum. Although probably a week doesn't go by that something doesn't get spilled on our carpet and you just can't get it all out. (not a single tile or hardwood in the whole house... not by our choice, not a good scenario with two little kids)... and Jon and I say, "Reason #107 why not to have carpet throughout the entire house... or Reason #241 why not to have carpet in the kitchen.. or Reason #89 why not to have carpet in the bathroom. You get my drift. So keep using your wet paper towels to get that last little bit... but then smile even bigger when you can use a simple paper towel to wipe up that spilled orange juice and know that you're getting every last drop cleaned up.
OK - that was a long comment.:)