Wednesday, April 3, 2024

What the Actual

 Thyroid what?

I went to the appointment by myself.  I touched Dr. Baker's knee. I said this sucks.  He didn't know what to say or how to talk.  Just the facts mam. I got in my car and called Chad who was at an IHSAA meeting.  He had just been approved as the new executive director. I cried. 

Why? What the actual hell?  I had just had the best 3 years of my life.  I was healthy.  I had made healthy habits.  The month before,I finally winged off of all my pain meds.  So overwhelming to have to take them again.  It has made me so f-ed up again.  My iron levels tanked.  Normal range for iron levels is between 50-60.  15 is considered low.  4

4 is my favorite number.

I went through 15 years of sinus hell. isn't that enough? so here we go. I can do this. I'm stronger than I've ever been.


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