Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sicilee the chef...I don't think so

Sicilee is my project girl. You can find her anytime, anyday hiding out making something. She will come up missing and she's working on her latest project. So lately she has wanted to cook. My mom gave her a beginners cook book for Christmas. That's where it all started...
She has tried and failed "muddy buddies" 4 times! 4 times! The last attempt I said "please Sis, just read the directions, ask me if you need help." The first 3 times, she put all the ingredients in with the Chex before melting them. We tried to melt them in the big bowl with the chex...doesn't work. The fact that she made this mistake 3 times in a month...tells me she's not getting it. This last time, she left the butter out and added the powdered sugar and microwaved that...was hard as a rock. Yesterday, she tells me she wants to make cookies...I instantly panicked. "Please no." She wanted to make the chocolate cookies with vanilla baking chips. Last time she tried them, she put 1/4 cup of almond extract and 1 tsp. of choco. (She only admitted that to me yesterday) My mom and dad were here to witness her baking skills. My dad said "just throw that whole thing in the garbage". Sis claimed she had followed the recipe. So her 2nd attempt started off rough and ended rougher. Apparently Faren told her that 3 1/3 cups = 1/2 cup. So the sugar was all off. I tried to rescue it..and it was ok..on to the baking part. She turned off the oven instead of the timer, so the 2nd and 3rd batches did not get cooked, the 2nd a little more than the 3rd. The oven was almost cooled off by the 3rd batch. She tried to cook more later and reheated the oven, remembering a little too late that the 4th batch of cookies was still in the oven and now were WAY over cooked and smoking.
She has tried to push her smoothies on us (bitter) and her macarroni and cheese. She put the macarroni in before she boiled the water (a sticky mess). Anyway, I could go on and on, I'm remembering more disasters as I type. But I broke it to her yesterday. I told her she might want to cross culinary arts off her list of potential careers.

In her defense, I might tell you some things she is good at: she's an excellent babysitter (just don't ask her to make dinner :), she can make the cutest cards and scrapbooks on her own. She makes jewelry. She is great at cleaning. She's an organizer and planner. She sings and plays the piano. She's a sweetheart too. She couldn't hurt a fly, very kind and caring.
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Cassie said...

This post had me giggling. (I'm sorry Sicilee.) Look at it this way, your future kitchen can always be clean and you can use your table for your scrapping projects. Perfect!

Eric & Penny Kunz Family said...

Oh you are mean give the girl another chance. We love you Sic!

Lucy said...

I think Sicilee needs an assistant. That may just work. One that can focus on what is going on, though (unlike myself).
I noticed that your favorite desinger is Kim Diel. She used to do Mini Bazaar before she caught the quilting bug!

Myrnie said...

Don't give up on her! I feel a success at cooking something is in her near future. I remember when I was about her age my mom told me to cook some potatoes. I thought they should be done after 5 minutes boiling. I mashed them up and served them to my dad and brothers. Their comments were anything but encouraging!

Battfam said...

Cooking disasters come with the territory. Don't give up. Lucy used to make us sugar cookies which were very tasty, but she tried to get creative with the frosting colors. It usually turned out grayish brown. We still ate them though.

Marisa said...

Lataun, I was laughing out loud. Sicilee is such a sweet girl and so talented. I was amazed at her little craft table in her room and how much she loves to create!

Good luck with the cooking Sis.

Nikki said...

Hi La Taun! It's Nikki. How's it going? I love your blog. It is so cute! I love Sicilee the chef!! Your girls are so cute. I'm glad you're having a fun summer. We are, too.