Saturday, February 7, 2009

Potty Training...

Need I say more...

Mia: She loves being on the counter
She changes her clothes all day long
She loves 'silkies'
She loves 'Backyardigans'
She loves books
She loves water (playing in, with, pouring, etc.)
I asked her what her favorite color was and she said "ummm...mommy"

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Mia is so cute!!! I just got Chandler potty training, too. Those kids are two peas in a pod! I can't keep Chan off the table! I have decided his trait to nurture into something positive is his will to do whatever he wants exactly when he wants. I actually heard him muttering under his breathe as he was going around me after I said "no" something about he was going anyway!!! The child is 2 1/2! Where to they get their guts????

I finally made a blog: