Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ensenada, Mexico

We rented a golf cart in Mexico. It was the craziest thing I've done in a long time. It was like driving a golf cart down 17th street in Idaho Falls. The traffic was crazy and here we are in this little cart. I thought..."I'm not in America anymore!" The fumes were making Penny sick, Chad's driving was making me sick, it would back fire every time we stopped. Chad almost hit a poor man on a bicycle. He tried taking us to the slums of the city and we got on some back roads where I didn't feel comfortable...(imagine that). So me and Pen hit the shops and the guys did their own little tour of Ensenada via golf cart.

This is us in the middle of cars and intersections...in a golf cart.

This was another one of those moments when I thought "we're not in America anymore". We're in an open golf cart...these tigers, lions, panthers, etc. are in this caged truck right, I mean RIGHT next to us driving down the road. Pen was having a little anxiety over this.
We found a great beach. It was warm and the water was great. We had a great time playing in the surf. I am still digging sand out of my ears. This little creature climbed into the seat of my swimsuit...this was right before I felt it bite me and I had to get in the water and dig it out. It was a little transparent bug. We saw some black fins poking out of the water...turns out they were not sharks but dolphins.

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Cassie said...

I'm so glad you got to enjoy your anniversary. Looks like you had a great time. Good for you guys!

taggdarci said...

Sounds like you guys had a ton of fun! What a great way to celebrate your anniversary. Love the snorkeling pic by the way! :o)